My Dream House Tour | 2nd Edition

First of all, happy belated Valentine's day!! I hope you had a wonderful day filled with joyous laughter and love. <3

Second, it's been a year since I did my first 'dream house tour'. A whole year! What??
rectangular black wooden table with chairs
So exactly a year ago (well, a year ago from yesterday), I did a dream house post. It wasn't long after I posted it that I've found so many more gorgeous house pics (you should really just look at my whole Pinterest board), so today I'm giving you a re-dreamed dream house tour!

Before you read this, however, you should know I have a very mixed style. I love contemporary/modern, plus a little traditional, plus a touch of modern farmhouse, plus a hint of french, plus a trace of coastal... I can't decide. So bear with me for My Dream House - 2nd Edition!


Just one correction to all of these driveways: they would all be lined with cherry trees instead. #anneofgreengables


This was probably the hardest part to choose- so I included my four top favorites. Consider them views from different angles. ;)
^ This is actually my original 'dream' exterior from my first post, but I just love everything about it!


These are pretty similar to my original 'dream' entryway. Since my dream house is pretty grand, I think the entryway should be a warm and inviting part of the house rather than a huge, high-ceilinged foyer.
^ This one reminds me of Father of the Bride (my all-time favorite movie, in case you didn't know).

Living Areas

^ This would be my front, formal living room.

^ These four would sum up my 'casual' living room, although I've always imagined higher ceilings like this one:


The kitchen is probably my favorite part of any house, and the one I keep changing my mind on! It took me forever to choose one!
I love the idea of having a breakfast nook in my kitchen.

Dining Room

It was hard to find a dining room like the one I've always envisioned, so just kind of split the difference between these two pictures. 😂
^ I love the layout of this room; not so much the style, but I love that there's a space to put a buffet table on the wall, and the windows. The style would probably look more like this:

Master Bedroom

Need I say anything?? 😍😍

Master Bathroom

A seated vanity is a must-have for me.

I would also l.o.v.e. a standalone tub and, even though I thought it was ridiculous when I was younger, I'd love big windows (with curtains, of course). Natural lighting is a must.

Guest Room

*awkward silence because I have nothing to say about the guest bedroom*

Downstairs/Guest Bathrooms


Kids' Bedrooms

^ This is the girls' bedroom pic I used in my first dream house post, but I still love it!

^ And same goes for the boys' bedroom.

Kids' Bathrooms

^ I feel like this bathroom is so Mary Poppins Returns-esque.

I'm honestly a little jealous of the kids' bathroom... that doesn't exist...


I like the warm, wood-toned (is that a thing?) nurseries. I feel like they allow that natural light to really flood the room.

I would also love a fireplace in the nursery. I think this picture is meant to be a playroom, but I like the idea of the nursery also being the playroom.


A schoolroom is yet another must. Not just for school, but for reading, art, nature studies- you name it!
^ This would be a little added room to our schoolroom. 😍 How can you walk in and not pick up a book and read?


Okay, I wouldn't say an office is a must for me, but it would be really nice to have my own room to get stuff done, you know?
^ I have to admit, this one's a little too white for me. But I do like the fireplace! I think fireplaces can really warm up a room. As in make it more inviting, not just literally heat it up.


I would love a sunroom or screened-in porch for so many things! Book clubs, listening to the rain, reading, school... ahhh, it would be so nice.


^ An outdoor dining area would be amazing!!

^ And so would a pool!

I've always wanted a backyard with either a waterfront view or really tall trees. Or both!

^ This one's so Anne of Green Gables-y! 😍

Well, there you have it! Congrats to all of you who had the thumb strength (and the willpower) to scroll through the whole post. 🙌 I agonized over this post- it took me forever to decide which pictures I liked best! If you want to get an even better understanding of my dream house, just check out my whole Pinterest board!

Thanks for reading, my friend. xoxo.

What do you think?

Did you like the first or the second 'dream house tour' better? What's your decor style? What's your favorite room in any house?


  1. OH MY WORD I LOVE THIS SO MUCH!!! *heart eyes*

    1. AHHHH I'm so glad you liked it!!! Thank you for commenting!! <3

  2. Our interior design styles are really similar!! I adore minimalist and warm Scandinavian spaces, so I found myself loving some of the pictures. ;) This is such a cute post idea and I really enjoyed reading it! <333

    (Oh, and I tagged you for the Share the Love tag over on my blog xx)

    1. :D <3 I'm so glad you enjoyed reading it!

      And thank you so much for the tag!! <333 I can't wait to do it!!

  3. OHHHH MYYYYY WOOORRRDDD!!!!!!! I love everything so very much, but that bathroom & shower.... definitely my favorite:) SO..... when do you plan on getting this beauty, hahaha?!?!?

    1. HAHA THANK YOUUUUU!!!!!!! 😆💕 Aah, yes, I must say that's my favorite, too!! Alas- I shall see it someday in the far, far future (if only in my dreams). 😂 Thank you for commenting! 😉❤️

  4. Oh my heart! Adore this post! I'm an aspiring interior designer so nothing makes me happier than pretty spaces. I'd love a boho farmhouse aesthetic too. Just classic styling, a neutral palette, lots of earthy tones. I live in Sydney and we have lots of terrace houses here. That would also be a dream home for me, although, at this point, I'd settle for a place with a backyard! I live in an apartment currently and missing have a garden to relax in. I am moving soon though and will have lots more space.


    1. Thanks, Maryam!! Yes... it's a classic style. Yes, I understand that completely. Oh, that's so exciting!! I hope all goes smoothly with your move! <3

