Hey, there! I'm Olivia.
Thanks for checking my blog out! Every new visitor and subscriber seriously means so much to me. ❤ I'm a nineteen-year-old realtor living in the suburbs of Nashville, Tennessee. Unlike the rest of my five younger siblings, I'm a total homebody- I would prefer staying home to going out any day.
I don't play any sports, although I used to be a gymnast. I was eleven when I realized it was unlikely I would make it to the Olympics, so I relented to just being a musician. I'm glad I did, though! I have been studying music and playing the violin since I was eight, and have recently picked up the guitar and mandolin, as well!
Ever since I was little, I've been coming up with new business ideas. My first ever business idea was Jam 'n' Go, a fast-food restaurant where you grab a jam sandwich, 'jam out' on the dance floor, and 'go'. Sounds like fun, right?? I've also come up with Adivia Bank, Klick Away Photography, and All-Heart Pediatrics, just to name a few.
Ever since I was little, I've been coming up with new business ideas. My first ever business idea was Jam 'n' Go, a fast-food restaurant where you grab a jam sandwich, 'jam out' on the dance floor, and 'go'. Sounds like fun, right?? I've also come up with Adivia Bank, Klick Away Photography, and All-Heart Pediatrics, just to name a few.
I currently work part-time as a marketing communications specialist for my dad's real estate company. 'What on earth is that?' Basically, I am in charge of internal marketing. I make sure any emails and reminders go out to the team, as well as design posters, and manage email lists. It can get pretty overwhelming sometimes, but I love my job!
I also enjoy organizing (I know, I just like seeing things in their place!), interior decorating, reading, watching movies, listening to Michael Buble and Jack Johnson, eating no-bake cookies, anything vintage (I would totally live in the 20s, 30s, or 40s... or, like, 1890s), anything white or beige, and, obviously, blogging. Congratulations on making it through this paragraph.
I started this blog in January of 2019 to share my experiences of teen-hood with other girls like me, after realizing that there weren't a lot of teenage lifestyle blogs that shared the struggle, as well as the joys, of growing up. I started this blog with the intention to blog about growing as a lady and young woman in faith. When I started actually posting things, it evolved to also include tips and tricks, life hacks, and just lifestyle posts!
I've actually had several blogs before this one, but none that were as 'serious'. I first had a gymnastics blog, JustLoveGymnastics, where my sister and I posted videos of us doing gymnastics challenges and tutorials. It was pretty fun, actually. ;) A couple years later, as soon I realized there weren't a lot of teenage lifestyle blogs, I was suddenly inspired to start one. So I started a small one called Liv Teen Style. That only lasted about 6 months before I started another lifestyle blog, a more serious one. Hence, Studio Liv was born. I eventually changed the name to Keep Calm and Liv. And now we're here!
What kind of posts can I find here?
You can find pretty much anything from productivity tips to modest fashion inspiration and delicious dessert recipes to posts about my life and everything in between! In short, lifestyle posts. I'm planning, however, to incorporate more posts on organization, faith, and some more heartfelt topics.
If you have any questions, feedback, or notes on anything I could improve, let me know in the comments or feel free to contact me! I hope you got a good feel for this blog, and I hope you decide to stick around and explore!

If you have any questions, feedback, or notes on anything I could improve, let me know in the comments or feel free to contact me! I hope you got a good feel for this blog, and I hope you decide to stick around and explore!

I am loving your blog Olivia! It's aesthetic is so gorgeous and the content is even better. I can't wait to explore it more!
ReplyDeleteHi, Hope! Thank you so much!! This made my day. <3
DeleteYour blog is really pretty and very aesthetically-pleasing. It definitely has this 'good-feel' vibe, which I absolutely love!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much!! I'm so glad you love it. <3
DeleteHey Olivia! I realized (after your comment on my post) that it has been a while since I last visited your site. You've done a really wonderful job with it...you would be my first go-to for design and aesthetic tips, lol.
ReplyDeleteFollowing ;)
Hi, Anita! Thank you so much, that means a whole lot!! <3