Classic Homemade Mocha

chocolate coffee pouring in white mug
Hey, friends! Can you BELIEVE it's April already?! It finally felt like spring where I live, until it dropped down to 30º the other day. Ugh. Hopefully this will be our last cold front of the season. In celebration of our last cold front, I have a nice warm drink for you to enjoy!

If you're like me, you need coffee to function during the day. I didn't make myself like coffee because I wanted to be a coffee drinker, but because during the day I. can't. function. 


There's always that point sometime in the afternoon when I just crash. So I thought drinking coffee might help a little. But I don't like coffee.

So, I discovered that if you add a little chocolate, it's a bit easier to like. ;) Here's my go-to mocha recipe!

Classic Homemade Mocha


1 cup coffee

1 tbs. heavy cream

1/4 cup milk

1 tbs. cocoa powder

1 tbs. sugar


1) Combine all ingredients in a mason jar and screw on the lid. Shake for a few seconds or until the milk starts to foam.

2) Pour into your favorite coffee mug and enjoy!

If you're a coffee drinker and want some more coffee recipes, my friend Ava has some really good ones!

Do you like coffee? What's your favorite hot drink? Does it feel like spring where you live yet?

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