What's Your Favorite Vacation Spot?

Here I am, sitting in the screened-in porch of our Airbnb beach house. IN JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA, GUYS.

Well, by the time you see this I'll be home. But, you know, it still counts.
It's my first time visiting Florida, and I don't want to leave! The weather is so beautiful (which is a nice break from the 30-degree weather we've been having in Tennessee)... we've kept the screen door open all day! Of all the beaches I've been to (which is not a lot, just FYI), Jacksonville is my favorite so far.

My aunt and uncle were invited to a wedding here, and they asked me to babysit their two kids, my cousins, while they went. Ummm, a free trip to Florida? YES, PLEASE!!

My aunt took us this afternoon to see the beach for a little while and it. is. phenomenal. The sand is so white and pretty, the ocean is so blue, and the beach itself is so peaceful and beautiful! It was practically empty, too, which was a plus.

Well, enough about my vacation, I want to hear from you! Let me know in the comments where you like to vacation, your best vacation ever, or your dream vacay!

Meanwhile, here are a few more of the *many* pictures we took at the beach:
Me and my cousin, Elias ❤

My cousin Luke 💕

It's kind of hard to see, but I thought this golden retriever playing in the water was adorable 😍

Me and Elias 'catching the waves'. 😂

What's your favorite vacation spot? What was your best vacation ever? Where is your dream vacation? I can't wait to hear from you. 💕


  1. My favorite vacation spot so far is Cabo, Mexico. It’s not only easy to get to, but breath takingly beautiful and has a good variety of relaxation and fun! However, my best vacations took place in Europe. I love the richness and history despite the bitter cold in the winter. My dream vacay right now is a month in Italy!

    1. Ooh, nice!! That sounds so relaxing!! ;) I would love to go to Europe and Italy, too. 😍❤️
