How to Throw Yourself a 'Fall Preview' Day

vases on white surface
Happy already mid-August, my friend! The other day, my Dad randomly shouted, 'Holy cow, it's mid-August?' He speaks for all of us.

Although the months are flying by, summer seems to be dragging on. I don't know about you, but I am so ready for fall! I'm seriously obsessed with fall. I know at least a little part of you can't wait for fall, either. Lucky for you, I have a simple solution. Have a 'fall preview' day!

"What is a 'fall preview'?" you ask.

Every year, around late-August, my mom and I satisfy our fall 'craving' with all things fall. Fall movies, treats, scents, and whatnot. We basically pretend like it's fall for a day. I have a fall preview all year long! So for today's post, I'm going to give you tips for having your very own 'fall preview'. Read on!

1. Pull out the sweaters

I love shopping for fall clothing and wearing sweaters and cardigans and boots and scarves. They're all so comfy!

2. Bring on the scents!

My famous motto: you can never have too many fall-smelling candles! Just kidding. You actually can have too many. Don't go overboard. I have a fall candle in my room that I keep in a dresser drawer and I just take it out and smell it whenever I want.

3. Bake some cozy treats

cake pie beside pine cones
I am a sucker for desserts, let alone fall desserts. You can bring me a pumpkin pie in the middle of spring and I'll eat it. But really, who wouldn't? Here are a few of my favorite fall desserts:

Chocolate chip pie (my absolute favorite dessert of all time)
Chocolate chip pumpkin bread (great breakfast bread)

4. Bring out the movies

I love watching movies, and I always look forward to watching fall-ish movies (I watch them all year long anyway). You've Got Mail is my go-to!

5. Turn on the swing

brown wooden radiogram
I have so many playlists which all consist mainly of Frank Sinatra and Michael Bublé. I listen to swing music all year long, but in the fall it's even better. It just fits the mood!

6. Decorate

Pumpkins, twinkle lights, blankets, you name it! Whatever makes you feel cozy. I want to snuggle up with a cup of hot chocolate watching You've Got Mail just thinking about it!

I hope you enjoyed this fun little post! I would love to know how you spent your 'fall preview' day, so if you end up having one, send me pictures or comment on this post!


Have you ever had a 'fall preview' day before? What's your favorite season?


  1. This is such a fun post! Fall cannot come soon enough!

    1. Glad you liked it! Seriously. 😜

  2. Hey, Olivia! I just stumbled upon your blog a couple days ago and I LOVE it! Seriously, the aesthetic is so warm and beautiful, and I really like your posting style too! :D

    This post has such an amazing fall aesthetic, it just makes me want to curl up in a blanket and read a book after lighting a candle XD XD. I've never heard of the idea of a "preview day," so this was super fun to read about. <3 <3 <3

    -Ash |

    1. Hi, Ash! Thank you so much!! This made my day!

      Haha, that was my hope with this post. Mission accomplished! XD I'm so glad you like this post! Thanks for commenting! <3
